Sunday, September 28, 2008

Skin care products for acne prone

« ...After routine treatments of about 2 to 4 weeks the majority of patients have reported a reduction in the amount of acne that is present. When used in conjunction with ALA it will provide a long term solution to overactive sebaceous glands. The normal results are a 60% reduction after 4 weeks of treatment....
...Surprisingly, a less powerful form of microdermabrasion can be performed at home with several companies offering home microdermabrasion systems. Trying it at home is a cost effective way to see if this procedure is right for you....»
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«...Natural oils and juices are effective for treating acne. Apricot juice cuts through cysts.Lemon juice serves as an exfoliate removing dry skin cells which cause acne. Apply lemon juice to infected area and let stand for ten minutes then rinse. Cucumber juice used a topical solution with lettuce , alfafa, and carrot juice is an excellent natural acne remedy....»
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tags: fraxel acne scar treatment, does cytosport muscle milk cause acne outbreaks, birth control and acne pills and pregnant

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