Saturday, September 27, 2008

Facial masks for oily and acne prone skin

« ...Retin A comes in various strengths starting from 0.025 to 0.1 percent. It is best to start off with a lower concentration - but this would be determined by a dermatologist who at one time was the only way to obtain Retin A. It can now be purchased without a prescription over the internet - sometimes cheaper than thru a doctor. However if you are a first time Retin A user - seeing a dermatologist first is recommended....
...Acne is seen more often during the adolescent period of ones life when the oil glands are more active and there are hormonal changes taking place in the body. The oil secretions block the pores on the skin and this brings on black heads and whiteheads. Sometimes these blocked pores get inflamed and pimples form on that spot and the bacteria and infection give rise to many more such eruptions which cover the skin in an unsightly way, leaving behind deep scars even after they have healed. Once these scars are left behind as tell tale signs of acne the only way to get rid of them are with invasive methods by a dermatologist....»
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«...These techniques were originally developed by the beautifully clear skinned Japanese Geisha girls. Eventually these methods were lost and replaced with damaging skin products. Most of these creams and lotions that dry out your skin once their done. This leaves you with cracking an peeling skin on top of sore looking pimples It actually leaves your face more disgusting than it already was....»
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tags: hormonal acne cure, how to keep skin clear of acne, how to treat acne overnight

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