Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to use baking soda for acne

« ...Many people who are suffering from ice pick acne scars wrongly assume that there is nothing that can be done to treat this type of skin damage. The reality is that there are some treatments and procedures available that can assist a person in dealing with and even resolving them....
...As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you take the time to prevent acne, you will save time and money battling the lesions when they appear. There are a number of things that you can do to prevent acne, but if you want it to work, you must be consistent....»
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«...Next is to remove dead skin cells that sit on the top layers of the skin. When dead skin cells are not removed, they accumulate and get congested with dirt and oil, causing blackheads, dullness and pimples. Products containing salicylic acid and AHA have been proven to be very effective in removing dead skin cells. You can also use facial scrubs to exfoliate once a week....»
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tags: eating carrots help with acne, exposed acne treatment system sucks, allergies that cause dry hair acne

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