Saturday, September 27, 2008

When will acne usually show up during pregnancy

« ...The truth is, acne is surrounded by myths. And believing theses myths may cause more harm than good. In this article, we shall attempt to bust some of these myths....
...Although steaming session needs no special expertise, one should be careful in certain aspects like- using it not more than twice in a week, as excess steam can lead to drying of pores, due to loss of moisture. This will lead to excess oil production, which will lead to acne again. One should not take too intense steam, as it can burn the skin. Similarly people who are asthmatic and people with breathing problems should be careful of additional ingredients like turmeric and others....»
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«...Alterative herbs tend to be quite gentle in their effect, so they are best used as a long term treatment. Results would not be sudden, but they will improve the general health of the body. They tend to be given for chronic inflammatory problems, especially relating to the skin, such as acne....»
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tags: acne clear during pregnancy, acne treatments if oral antibiotics don't work, acne on head

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