Thursday, October 2, 2008

Best face soap for acne from china

« ...Lindsay McCoy, a finance consultant from Memphis, thought the family curse of acne had passed her by, because while most of her mother's family had been blighted by the ailment, she thought she was home and dry at the age of 31. But the first dreaded acne lesions appeared in the third month of Lindsay's pregnancy, and despite her gynecologist's assurances, the outbreaks did not clear up once she had the baby. "I had hideous eruptions on my face, and though my boyfriend Reggie was extremely supportive, he began to lose patience as my depression over my condition increased," she says....
...So, although you may be told to wash your face frequently as a form of treatment for acne, note that it is not a condition caused by dirt. However, as a treatment for acne, you should still try or continue washing your face with a mild antibacterial soap suggested by your dermatologist at least twice a day. If your skin is very oily, you should wash it more often, but never overwash or scrub your skin especially your face since it may irritate your skin and will possibly just worsen your acne. A good treatment for acne in this approach is not to use any abrasive cleansers or cleansing pads. Aside from that, shampooing is also a good treatment for acne since the oil in your hair may also trigger the formation of acne. And, a water-based cosmetic could be an effective treatment for acne....»
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«...If you are unlucky and have inherited an oily skin gene, your hormones are all over the place and you are stressed, then the result can often mean acne. If you are producing more sebum (oil) than can be dealt with by the skin then often your pores become clogged, red and angry and infected. To help prevent this happening you should exfoliate using a very gentle product....»
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tags: progesteronaacnemenopausianatural, sunbed spots acne pimples, does clearasil acne medication actual work

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