Thursday, October 2, 2008

Shark liver oil acne

« ...Never wash you face more than two times a day. Over washing encourages acne by over drying the skin, creating dead skin cells that clog pores. Also, over drying will encourage my skin oil to be released to compensate for the dry areas....
...Truth is, everybody's skin is different and so you might have to experiment a little to find the best one for your skin type and kind of acne. Look at the labeling and see what the main ingredients are, and match that first to any known allergies - you don't want to put burdock on your skin if it gave you a rash last time you went hiking!...»
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«...Not everyone needs to see a dermatologist for their acne condition. For some people the over the counter treatments are just fine and work great. If they solve your acne problem you will avoid the expense and dangers of taking prescription acne medications into your body, and suffer the possible negative side effects....»
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tags: acne scar removal, solution acne, does glutamine cause acne breakouts

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