Thursday, October 2, 2008

Vitamin a food good for acne

« ...The first thing you MUST do to have clearer skin is... DISRUPT THE STEP-BY-STEP, DAY-TO-DAY, CYCLE OF ACNE. You have to intentionally INTERFERE with the ongoing, insidious cycle of acne that's happening right now, right inside your skin as we speak!...
...Did you know that you could be adding more toxins to your body through the products you use everyday? Did you know that this could affect the health and beauty of your skin and actually contribute to your acne problem?...»
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«...Don't squeeze your pimples, because this could cause the bacteria to go deeper into your skin. Instead, keep the area clean and use a toner to help bring out any infection so that it can be cleared up....»
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tags: food causes acne pimples, acne getting rid of it, acne scar treatment

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